


“Neverbeforeknown is the belief that all people are equal, no matter the race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, or disbeliefs. Neverbeforeknown is the act of creation and or consumption, disregarding the thought of assimilation or things one has been taught in the past. Neverbeforeknown is a direct reflection of my love for the world, and a direct reflection of every thought and every emotion that runs through my head day by day. Neverbeforeknown is more than a brand to me. Neverbeforeknown is an entity that has bestowed the responsibility of the world of art and creation upon me. This name holds more weight than one can bare alone. Neverbeforeknown is the act of unifying like minded individuals for a cause bigger than just clothes. Neverbeforeknown is the unity of the world. Neverbeforeknown are the lessons taught form the past, the mysteries of the future, and the only time one can guarantee action and exposure to the beauties of the world. Neverbeforeknown is whatever you want it to be and more, it is something i cannot explain in words,…….I will just have to show you.” 


Started off as a self taught illustrator ever since the age of 3, and has illustrated countless amounts of work inspired by the love the artist had for artist Tetsuya Nomura. Continued illustrating and then began harnessing the love the artist had for art in different ways. Began exploring different types of art styles by the age of 7 and began to develop a love for fashion, “I always knew I loved fashion, just the idea of putting on an outfit that speaks what your thinking and how your feeling into existence with what colors you wear or how much of your skin is covering.” – 2011

Started off exploring their creativity at an early age. Gradually transitioned into a different type of art by the age of 10, falling in love with the idea of telling a story through the wearer and their garments. “you can tell how a person is based off of what they wear and how they wear it, almost as if the garments themselves tell stories.” – 2014

The artist continued to explore their love for art and fashion, continuously experimenting with different colors and different fabrics, making garment sketches from the age of 10 all the way to present time. The artist has always and will always love the world of art, and sought to show the world what the artist is capable of. “art is not art if it is taught. Art is a form of expression, not a reflection of knowledge. Everyone is an artist in their own way, what makes you stand out is finding out what form of art resonates within you.” – 2022 

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